Friday, September 25, 2009

Ew, homesick.

Boston's a lovely place, it really is, I just want to go back home to Maine, where everything's shitty and everyone's on cheap drugs.
I'm lonely. I miss my family, kind of, but mostly just my dog.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Depressing day, man.

That kid who fell off my apartment building died. It's on the news and everything.
Today I went into the farmer's market where I spent 14.50 on fruit I didn't need. I don't think I ever want to see another strawberry again.
To top it all off, now my roommate is watching Titanic, which I absolutely cannot stand to see, yet cannot look away from. It does something weird to me and makes me shrivel up and get ridiculously depressed. The music, the whole thing. I can't do it. Good thing it's almost over, I'll probably need a week or two to recoop.
I still don't understand why Jack didn't just climb on a door like Rose did, really. There were plenty on the boat. Or they could've broken the boat apart and made a boat beforehand. This whole thing is thoroughly depressing, I can't do it. My god.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Adjustment issues, much?

So, I moved to Boston about two weeks ago.

Right now my street is blocked off with cop cars and police-taped off because somebody fell out of the third-floor balcony. A bunch of cops swarmed in here, somebody was laying on the ground right outside, and a couple of kids were standing on the steps. Now the kid and the ambulances are gone but the awful cop lights are still out there. Kinda freaks me out, you know? They were our age and their friend fell off the building. I see a cop right out my window talking to a kid, he's pointing up at their apartment.

College sucks royally, two weeks in. I'm bored with my classes, I feel smarter than everyone. I think I need a more challenging school. I should've gotten into a better one, anyway. I see BU kids walking around and despite their obscene amounts of money from the parents or from the government, I want to be there, where the teachers are real and credible and the education feels like it means something. Reputation whore? I think so.

Not to mention the agonizing 50 minutes on the T every morning and afternoon. At first it was kind of novel, like taking the subway in England was when I was 14. Now it's like slowly using a cheese grater to take off my face.

Seriously, the same people every morning - the one bitch who won't stop talking loudly on her cell phone about nothing, the old man or woman who has their cell phone on loud on the default Nokia ringer... the young grad students in chinos and moccasins, the business professionals in their suits, the sleepy Asian woman missing her stop. It's alllll the same and I want to kill all of them. Class at 10 AM seems worse than high school was at 7:30.

Also, the title of this blog is cutesy. It's not because I drink, because I don't, because it makes me sick and I'm really poor.

Oh, and what the fuck - the MTBA doesn't offer college student discounts? The POOREST people don't get a discount, while seniors with their AARP and social security ride for twenty bucks a month? Jesus-loo.

Also, the subway caught on fire the other day? What the fuck, Boston, get it together.